Saturday, January 25, 2020

Advocacy in Social Work

Advocacy in Social Work Advocacy, Rights and Partnership This reflective report contains my experience and understanding of advocacy and explains the types of advocacy and its methods and models, I will explain the theories and relate it to my practice and finally discuss the strengths and weakness of my area of practice and discuss the conflicts of interest implication up on the service user. DEFINITION OF ADVOCACY Advocacy is defined as a key concept in social work practice. It is defined as exerting influence on behalf of organisations and groups within legal power and political structure. Advocacy involves either an individual or group, or their representatives, pressing their case with influential others, about situations which either affect them directly or, and more usually, try to prevent proposed changes, which will leave them worse off .(Pardeck, 1996). Gates (1994) cites four variations of advocacy: legal advocacy, the representation of the user in a formal context, for instance a health-review tribunal; self-advocacy, where the individual or a group of individuals speak up for themselves, a form of empowerment; collective or class advocacy, the large organisations who speak for the interests and rights of a category of people; and citizen advocacy, the representation of the users interests by a competent advocate (eg a Social worker). Advocacy is a concept embraced by social work and advocating for clients is vital for the social work profession. The primary goals of advocacy are achieving social justice and people empowerment. In achieving these goals, a proactive, responsive and participatory approach is necessary (Pardeck, 1996). My role as an advocate during my placement was to speak on behalf of my clients and to empower them to advocate on their own behalf, whenever their rights have been denied; for example in accessing state benefits or demanding repair work from local Housing departments. The advocacy role, from a social context, includes the redistribution of power and recourse to an individual or group, guarding their rights and preserving their values, conserving their best interests and overcoming the sense of powerlessness (Pardeck, 1996. pg 151). RESOURCES AVAILABLE WITHIN PLACEMENT My second year practice placement was with a charity organisation, in the London Borough of Newham called RAMP (Refugee And Migrant Project). RAMP is one of The Renewal Programme projects and is registered with the Home Office Office of Immigration Services Commission. RAMP works to enable refugees and migrants (including asylum seeker) to realise their potentials and facilitate their integration into society. The focus of the organisation is to provide advice and advocacy and support on welfare benefits, housing and education and NASS National Asylum Support Services. RELATING THEORY TO ADVOCACY When I began working with migrants, refugees or asylum seekers, I took a very holistic and Person Centred Approach that allowed me to work in partnership and give them the opportunity to go through their own problems and find their own solutions to them. Carl Rogers was the founder of Person-Centred therapy. As a psychologist in the 1950s and 60s he studied the process of counselling and came to the conclusion that a number of basic principles were required in order for there to be a positive relationship and outcome between the client and the therapist. These are also known as core conditions: . Unconditional positive regard that involves the therapist being non-judgmental and accepting the client and their experiences. . Congruence, which means that the therapist displays their true thoughts and feelings during the session. . Empathy, where the therapist shows understanding towards the clients experiences without oppressing them. When engaging with my clients, I demonstrated unconditional positive regard by not judging them as individuals or for the needs they had; I wanted to find out what it is that they wanted/needed. I was congruent in that I acknowledged the fact that I was a student and I was also learning myself, and therefore I may not be able to answer all questions immediately. Finally, I showed empathy by acknowledging similarities that I may have with them such as coming from a minority ethnic community. As well as the core conditions, I used the Exchange Model of communication to engage in my meetings with my clients. Smale and Tuson (1998) point out that the exchange model believes that the client has an equally valid perception of their problems and that they themselves can contribute to finding the solutions. This also facilitates partnership between the worker and the client. The exchange model was effective because English was the second language for all my clients therefore enabled me to ask them simple, open-ended questions that were free from professional jargon, compared to Procedural model that has pre-set questions to conform to the requirements of the agency. I used two main theories to look at situations during my practice placement: Systems theory and Muslows Hierarchy of Needs. Systems theory originates from Bertalanffys (1971) biological theory that all things are part of a system: sub-systems that make up super-systems (in Payne, 1997). The theory is also known as ecological perspective; family theory and networks theory depending on what context it is used. Systems theory allows you to look at the whole picture and not just one aspect of a particular case. The concept of circular causality is also significant in this theory and it suggests that: if something happens in one part, it affects the other. I therefore did not analyse clients situations in isolation, I looked at their surroundings and their systems to understand their situations better. Pincus and Minahan (1973) describe 3 systems in which people depend on (in Payne, 1997 p.141): Societal systems (housing, social security and schools) For some of my clients, their housing department was part of their societal systems that they may have been experiencing problems with. On top of this, some of their main informal systems their families may be missing from them (i.e. still in their own countries). This had a detrimental effect on their self-confidence and achievement as it left gaps in the systems that are supporting them. Maslows hierarchy of needs highlights that the family is a very important factor in meeting basic needs for example, security. By being estranged from their families, clients are already at a weak point and according to systems theory; this also affects their formal and societal systems. As a social worker, in order to promote and enable my clients and to empower them, it was important that I was able to maintain as many systems around them as possible. This was important for their confidence and future development. When carrying out my work with asylum seekers, refugees and migrants I was very much open and holistic in the way that I looked at the multiple forms of discrimination and oppression that this client group may face. For example I did not only focus on the obvious forms of oppression. Such as race, religion and gender, I also looked at underlying issues such as relationships with partners and domestic abuse. I ensured that I did not ignore the oppression and discrimination that they may face within their own communities. Other theories, models and methods which I used included Crisis Intervention, Task-Centred work, Loss Bereavement amongst others. I found that being able to study, understand and relate these to my practice guided me immensely in my practice. They provided me with the knowledgebase, which I could use to eclectically and effectively in order to work with the many different situations that I worked with. THE IMPORTANCE OF WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP WITH SU Adams (1998 p314) sees advocacy as a form of empowerment which, involves representing a persons interests in circumstances where they are not able to do so themselves. It strives to promote social inclusion by empowering marginalised people and therefore, has a direct relationship to anti-oppressive practice in social work. The ethical principles underlying advocacy reinforce working in partnership with users and carers, a key concept in social work practice and community care. Furthermore, the skills required for successful advocacy reflect core skills of social work practice (Bateman, 2000p17). Professionals get involved in peoples lives most of the times to help, but then oppress them by making decisions for them. Oppression is: Inhuman/degrading treatment of individuals/groups; hardship And injustice brought about by the dominance of one group over another; the negative and demeaning exercise of power. Oppression often involves disregarding the rights of an individual/ group and is thus the denial of citizenship (Thompson 1997 p31). In a situation where the Social worker made a decisions without consulting him, his needs and interests were not considered. As Adams (1998p301) affirms remedies to problems encountered lie primarily with experts and thus undermines self determination and authenticity. Most professionals take it upon themselves to make decisions for people as they assume that they cannot make choices for themselves, yet the Mental Capacity Act 2007 argues that almost all including the most severely disabled are capable of making choices and expressing their views and preferences. Therefore it is the Social workers role to challenge the abuse of power for suppression and for excluding people from decisions which affect them as stated by Stanford (accessed 5/01/2009) in the code of ethics. People requiring access to services should not feel that they are beggars, their welfare needs should be met as a right and dignity and respect should be maintained all the times. STRENGTHSÂ  AND WEAKNESSES OF ADVOCACY To assist service users, advocacy may be appropriate to protect the rights of the service user. An advocate will inform an individual of their options, and talk with other services on their behalf, if required to. The role of an advocate is to allow the service user to make their own self-determinations by ensuring they have all the relevant information, whilst at the same time not imposing their own views on the situation (Coulshed and Orme 1998). Difficulties with advocacy arise if the advocate tries to impose their own opinion on the service user, who may be vulnerable, and open to suggestion. The lack of statutory advocacy means that most services are provided by those who have already experienced similar situations, and who may have a biased view or are not trained to deal with difficult situations (Adams 2002) Anti oppressive practice (AOP): Looking at the structure of oppression developed by Thompson (1993) called the PCS model. I can illustrate how oppression is occurring, because this model is used to develop our understanding of discrimination and the oppression that arises from it. (Thompson,1998:12). It operates at three very separate levels, which are inter-related. These levels being personal, cultural and structural (the term PCS model). (Thompson,1998:12). Oppression itself is a powerful force. On a personal level it can lead to demoralisation and lack of self-esteem, while at a structural level it can lead to denial of rights. (Dalrymple and Burke,1995:57) This statement proves to be true because at the personal level, because the majority of the community that come to our organisation are feeling oppressed by themselves because of not being able to access facilities and not receiving the advice in maintaining their health, hygiene and environment. At the cultural level oppression is coming from other communities because they feel that they are superior to them, due to the fact that they are more familiar with the services and maybe able to speak English, therefore demoralising the community . At the structural level, institutions such as schools, hospitals, social security offices, advice centres the list is endless do not provide a facility whereby individuals from the community can access them, whereby denying them their rights. As an advocate it was my duty to challenge what the service users where feeling and going through, whereby I would empower them to access necessary services and direct them to attend relevant courses in order to tackle there problems and emotional feelings. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST WHICH MAY ARISE IN ADVOCACY The most common conflict of interest that I was faced with whilst advocating was the language barriers between service users and advocacy staff , In reflection throughout the advocacy I noticed the significant difference that language plays throughout society. It made me realise that not having the language skills can be very oppressive to a person and can leave them marginalized from the rest of society. Communication is a skill in itself and it is central to the role of social work (Thompson, 2000). Communication can come in many different forms; this can include verbal, non-verbal, listening and writing skills. Conclusion In conclusion to the finding throughout research and practice, it shows a huge importance in working in partnership with service users and other professional, good partnership helps social workers and other professional to delivery an effective service. Social workers are helping to promote change; even though they are working within statutory agencies their role can have a huge influence from advocacy.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Symbol Essay on King Lear

Often in literature, symbolism is used to represent ideas or meanings in a metaphorical sense. However, in Shakespeare’s play, King Lear, the symbolism of blindness is used both in a metaphorical and literal way. This symbolism can first be seen in the metaphorical blindness of Lear, and then Gloucester, which then leads to the literal blindness of Gloucester later on in the play. These examples of blindness are an important part of King Lear because they help the reader to better understand the themes that Shakespeare wanted to convey through his work.The symbol of blindness can be found in the very first scene of the play, when Lear is demanding praise from his daughters to decide who will receive the better part of the land when he gives up his throne. He is metaphorically blinded by his pride and arrogance when his eldest daughter, Cordelia, replies by saying nothing. Lear is enraged, â€Å"Nothing will come of nothing†¦Here I disclaim all my paternal care†¦And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee from this forever† (I. i. 89-114), and he foolishly banishes the only daughter who truly loves him.He cannot see that through Cordelia’s silence, she is actually saying much more than her sisters, who were deceiving their father in order to receive power. Through the example of Lear’s actions, the theme that pride and arrogance can blind you is presented to the reader and continues on to evolve into a major theme of the play. Another theme that is introduced through the symbol of blindness is that people are easily deceived by others. This theme is apparent when Gloucester is deceived by his bastard son, Edmund. His plan is to deceive his father in order to â€Å"if not by birth, have lands by wit.† (I. ii. 164).He is so desperate for power that he goes to the extreme of putting his brother in danger due the fake letter he gave to Gloucester, making him believe Edgar had turned against him. Gloucester is blinded b y Edmund’s trickery and lies to the point where he orders for Edgar to be killed. Through his example of metaphorical blindness, Gloucester becomes an example of the theme that blindness leads to people being easily deceived by others. Gloucester is also an example of the literal symbolism of blindness that Shakespeare uses in King Lear.In the third act, comes the bloodiest part of the tragedy; Gloucester is literally blinded by Cornwall for helping Lear escape to Dover. After having both of his eyes plucked out, Gloucester asks to see his son Edmund, whom he believes is there to protect him. Regan reveals the truth to him, â€Å"Thou call’st on him that hates thee. It was he That made the overture of thy treason to us, Who is too good to pity thee,† (III. vii. 88-90), and Gloucester then realizes he has been deceived by Edmund and wronged his son Edgar. By not seeing Edmund’s treachery until he was blind, Gloucester presents another theme, blindness can lead to truth.By saying, â€Å"I stumbled when I saw,† (IV. i. 19) Gloucester helps the reader to understand that seeing can blind us from the truth. Through the symbol of blindness, whether metaphorical or literal, the meaning of the play is greatly enhanced by the themes the symbol presents. The reader can better understand the meanings and ideas that Shakespeare intended to portray through his characters. Lear and Gloucester, through their metaphorical and literal examples, allow the symbol to be used as an important part of the play. Symbol Essay on King Lear Often in literature, symbolism is used to represent ideas or meanings in a metaphorical sense. However, in Shakespeare’s play, King Lear, the symbolism of blindness is used both in a metaphorical and literal way. This symbolism can first be seen in the metaphorical blindness of Lear, and then Gloucester, which then leads to the literal blindness of Gloucester later on in the play. These examples of blindness are an important part of King Lear because they help the reader to better understand the themes that Shakespeare wanted to convey through his work.The symbol of blindness can be found in the very first scene of the play, when Lear is demanding praise from his daughters to decide who will receive the better part of the land when he gives up his throne. He is metaphorically blinded by his pride and arrogance when his eldest daughter, Cordelia, replies by saying nothing. Lear is enraged, â€Å"Nothing will come of nothing†¦Here I disclaim all my paternal care†¦And as a stranger to my heart and me Hold thee from this forever† (I. i. 89-114), and he foolishly banishes the only daughter who truly loves him. He cannot see that through Cordelia’s silence, she is actually saying much more than her sisters, who were deceiving their father in order to receive power. Through the example of Lear’s actions, the theme that pride and arrogance can blind you is presented to the reader and continues on to evolve into a major theme of the play.Another theme that is introduced through the symbol of blindness is that people are easily deceived by others. This theme is apparent when Gloucester is deceived by his bastard son, Edmund. His plan is to deceive his father in order to â€Å"if not by birth, have lands by wit.† (I. ii. 164). He is so desperate for power that he goes to the extreme of putting his brother in danger due the fake letter he gave to Gloucester, making him believe Edgar had turned against him. Gloucester is blinded by Edmund’s trickery and lies to the point where he orders for Edgar to be killed. Through his example of metaphorical blindness, Gloucester becomes an example of the theme that blindness leads to people being easily deceived by others.Gloucester is also an example of the literal symbolism of blindness that Shakespeare uses in King Lear. In the third act, comes the bloodiest part of the tragedy; Gloucester is literally blinded by Cornwall for helping Lear escape to Dover. After having both of his eyes plucked out, Gloucester asks to see his son Edmund, whom he believes is there to protect him.Regan reveals the truth to him, â€Å"Thou call’st on him that hates thee. It was he That made the overture of thy treason to us, Who is too good to pity thee,† (III. vii. 88-90), and Gloucester then realizes he has been deceived by Edmund and wronged his son Edgar. By not seeing Edmund’s treachery until he was blind, Gloucester presents another theme, blindness can lead to truth. By saying, â€Å"I stumbled when I saw,† (IV. i. 19) Gloucester helps the reader to understand that seeing can blind us from the truth.Through the symbol of blindness, whether metaphorical or literal, the meaning of the play is greatly enhanced by the themes the symbol presents. The reader can better understand the meanings and ideas that Shakespeare intended to portray through his characters. Lear and Gloucester, through their metaphorical and literal examples, allow the symbol to be used as an important part of the play.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mother Liquor Definition

Definition: Mother liquor is a deprecated term from older chemistry texts that refers to the solution that remains after crystallization occurs and the crystals are removed.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Case Analysis Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc.

Case Analysis: Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc. Submitted by: Group 1 Acebedo, Gladys Bandiola, Penuel Bautista, Jherwienne Cruz, Abbie Inojales, Geraldine Miguel, Gen Pili, Lian Reyes, Alyssa Susaya, Jennylyn Tondo, Elma Submitted to: Prof. Jenely P. Sabio-Almirol December 5, 2011 a. What should the management of Sports Products Inc. pursue as its overriding goal? Why? The management of Sports Products Inc. should pursue maximization of shareholders’ wealth as its paramount goal. As far as we know, the stockholders are the owners of the firm and the ones bearing the most risk in running it. In line with this, the board of directors and/or the management is†¦show more content†¦Such decisions may affect the company’s profitability today but judging from the fact that high risk means low stock price and vice-versa, high return waits in the future. [2] d. Does the firm appear to have an effective corporate governance structure? Explain any shortcomings. The firm doesn’t appear to have an effective corporate governance structure. An effective corporate governance regime includes prosecution for individuals who conduct unethical or illegal acts in the name of the enterprise [4]. Why so that there were no discussions in regards to the person/s responsible for dumping pollutants in the adjacent stream? Wasn’t the disposal unethical enough to violate the name of the enterprise? The management’s failure to recognize that such action ruins the reputation of the company is ineffective itself. The most important shortcoming of the firm is the management or the managers who failed to amend the paramount goal of the company. Yes, it is reasonable to focus on profit maximization for the first few years of the business but keeping that as overruling per se for 20years isn’t healthy at all. The shareholders are the true owners of the business and the ones bearing the most risks, let alone being the principals who are the residual claimants. Maximizing shareholders’ wealth should always be one of the top priorities for not only their resources run the business but the means concerning theShow MoreRelatedChirality in Chemical Reactions Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesFinance – 419 Scrap #29 Principles of Managerial Finance, by Lawrence J. Gitman. Published by Addison Wesley. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. 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